Info zu Google Maps

Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass durch die Anzeige von Google Maps auf unserer Webseite Ihre IP-Adresse an Google LCC in die USA übermittelt, dort gespeichert und von den US-Behörden eingesehen werden kann. Bitte wählen Sie aus, ob Sie unsere Karten dennoch anzeigen lassen möchten.

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Why donate "just like that"?

So-called free donations for no specific purpose are used to support children who were admitted into our projects and who don’t have a personal sponsor yet.

We also need such donations for unexpectedly high medical costs or for repairing a storm damage of a building. Sometimes we have to bore a new well … .

There are many reasons – we cannot meet all costs with the current sponsorship amounts, so free donations are a great help – Thank you!

In the following form you find the options how to give us a single or regular donation.

Should you decide for a sponsorhsip after all, you find the respective form here.

Christusträger-Waisendienst is recognized by the Tax Office in charge as serving charitable purposes. In Germany, all donations are tax-deductable.

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How would you like to donate?

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Gott, der Vater, wird auf die rechte Art geehrt, wenn jemand den Waisen und Witwen in ihrer Not beisteht...

James 1 : 27 | The Bible