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Apart from the pedagogic work branches like the pre-school program and the school support program we are often confronted with special emergency situations in the families we look after. We therefore developed a concept to support these families temporarily in different ways.
Sometimes they are in an extreme financial crisis, so that even the necessary baby food cannot be purchased. In such a case we help quickly with giving food (not money) until the situation in the family will ease.
Due to wide-spread illiteracy among the parents even a simple visit to the authorities or a letter can be an insurmountable obstacle. In such a case our staff members can often achieve a great deal with relatively low effort. One important measure in this field is the correct and timely school registration of the children.
Families can also be rather helpless when there are medical problems. We support them to arrange the necessary dental or medical treatment right up to surgeries and to apply for public assistance to bear the costs.
Our child and family psychologist counsels families in conflict situations and arranges therapies in case of psychic problems which cannot be dealt with in our regular children groups.
You can support this valuable work regularly by project sponsoring with an amount of your own choice.
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“ Gott, der Vater, wird auf die rechte Art geehrt, wenn jemand den Waisen und Witwen in ihrer Not beisteht...”
James 1 : 27 | The Bible