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With one billion inhabitants India is the country with the world’s second largest population after China. One third of all people living below the poverty line live in India. The country is eight times as large as Germany. There are many different languages and competing ethnic and religious groups. All this makes the development of the country difficult or even – as it sometimes seems –impossible.
India has 14 official languages besides English (there are 33 languages each of which is spoken by more than a million people) and many more dialects which differ so much that communication among the speakers is only possible in the national languages Hindi and English. For most Indians, however, these languages are learned languages not their mother tongue. These language problems are the reason why our projects are concentrated in the federal states Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in the South-East of India. For many years now, this region suffers from recurring drought periods with more and more dramatic effects. The population consists mostly of agricultural workers and other casual hands who move from place to place hoping to find a harvest to bring in somewhere. Young people without education do not have any perspective for their future.
Christusträger-Waisendienst has different projects in India. There are children’s homes where children are looked after and provided for around the clock. In day-care centres small children are looked after during the day while their parents are working. Medical centres provide first aid in remote areas and make childbirth under hygienic conditions possible.
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“ Wenn wir wahren Frieden in der Welt erlangen wollen, müssen wir bei den Kindern anfangen. – Mahatma Gandhi ”