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Pakistan is a country located between India and Afghanistan with about 210 million inhabitants. 97 % are Muslim, the predominant influence in the country. Christians are only a very small minority of 1.6 %. Many of them are poor and their daily lives are an endless struggle. They are not educated so that they only find unskilled work (jobs such as sweepers, household helpers etc.) and do not earn enough for even the basic needs of life. “Social Welfare” is something they cannot even dream of. Widows and their children are hit especially hard. Monthly school fees are out of reach for many of them, so that they cannot send their children to school.

The Christusträger Sisters want to give these children a new chance in life. In Karachi they care for about 100 children in three homes and support 65 more in families lacking a parent. In Rawalpindi they run a hostel for 30 girls and they provide assistance to families in the area so that about 220 children can get a school and vocational training.


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Gott, der Vater, wird auf die rechte Art geehrt, wenn jemand den Waisen und Witwen in ihrer Not beisteht...

James 1 : 27 | The Bible