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House Immanuel

Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Rawalpindi has grown together with the Pakistani capital Islamabad. It has more than 2 million inhabitants.

For the last 40 years the Pakistani society “Educational Institute Charity” is active in giving education to children of Christian families. Since 1988 “House Immanuel” is open as a home for 30 girls. These girls are from Christian families, they come from the villages or from especially difficult background and they would otherwise have no chance to go to school. They attend public schools and in addition they get computer training and tuition lessons, practical training in household matters and hygiene and a Christian instruction in a friendly and caring atmosphere. Great value is set on a good vocational education according to the individual talents after the girls finish school. The job possibilities are only limited, but today many of them work as nurses, midwives, teachers or social workers.

Sister Sonja is in charge of House Immanuel. She is thankful to have dedicated native staff members. She is also actively supported by Sister Dr. Chris and Sister Annette who work in the medical projects.

It is the aim of our work in Pakistan to let the people know God’s love and care in a practical manner. In this country shaped by Islam we want to help the poorest of the poor and thus bear witness as Christians, which can only be done here by actions and hardly by words. It is important for us to support the Christian minority, so that their children will be able to live and work as mature and responsible Christians in difficult surroundings.

With a personal sponsorship you make the support and advancement of these children possible.

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Gott, der Vater, wird auf die rechte Art geehrt, wenn jemand den Waisen und Witwen in ihrer Not beisteht...

James 1 : 27 | The Bible