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Who we are

As a sponsorship organization Christusträger-Waisendienst is an independent work branch of Christusträger Sisterhood. It was founded to support the overseas child care relief projects of the Sisters financially and organizationally from Germany. Out of the love of God the Christusträger Sisters have been active for people in need in many places in South America and Asia for more than 50 years and still are in several projects.

Today (2018) we support about 2000 children in many Projects in five countries. Over the last decades about 16000 children were regularly provided for in our homes and day-care centres. Furthermore, ten thousands of people received medical care in our medical centres.

Without the help of our friends, who support us from the beginning with great reliability and constancy, everything that developed over the years would not have been possible. All financial means which we could give to our project over decades were provided by our friends, sponsors and donors!

As a child relief organization we recognize our task given by the Bible to help weak and disadvantage people with our focus being on children in need. The only criterion for our help is poverty. We help people independent of their nationality, background, religion or sex. However, as a Christian organization, we are not allowed in all countries to admit and look after children of other religions.

Our organization is a member of Diakonisches Werk of the Baden Protestant Church. The society is registered in the Society Register of Karlsruhe (today administered by Amtsgericht Mannheim). Since our foundation in 1968 we were audited annually by the trust office of Diakonisches Werk and we are recognized as serving charitable purposes by the Tax Office in charge. Further information about money matters can be found here


Gott, der Vater, wird auf die rechte Art geehrt, wenn jemand den Waisen und Witwen in ihrer Not beisteht...

James 1 : 27 | The Bible