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Our office is the place where all threads of Christusträger-Waisendienst come together. We are responsible for the sponsorships, for accounting and donation certificates and for the complete administration of the projects.
If you have any general or individual questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to answer them: Contact
Married, two adult children, is already connected to the Christusträgers since his childhood, and especially since his community service in the old-age and nursing home of the Christusträger Sisters. He works in the head office since 1996 and became managing director of Christusträger-Waisendienst in 1997. Apart from being the administrative head he is also responsible for the supervision of the projects in Bulgaria and India. Every year he spends about two months in these countries to supervise and counsel the local staff and support them in a cost-effective use of resources.
Married, works for Christusträger-Waisendienst since 2020 and is responsible for the current accounting, project controlling, social media and the contact with sponsors.
“ Gott, der Vater, wird auf die rechte Art geehrt, wenn jemand den Waisen und Witwen in ihrer Not beisteht...”
James 1 : 27 | The Bible