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Children's Island (School Support Program)

Varna, Bulgaria | 7003

It is a great problem that many children are not sent to school by their families at all. But even if they go to school, there are many difficulties. As the children hardly get any support by their families at home, homework and preparation for tests and examinations are neglected. So it is only a question of time until the Roma children fall behind in class. There are many children in 3rd or 4th class who cannot even spell simple words in Bulgarian language. On the other side the same children are very quick and interested. A group of teenagers, for example, came to us asking for English lessons. We fulfilled this wish and expanded our project accordingly. Today our project “Ostrovut Na Detzata” (children’s island) offers several learning groups for school children of different ages.

Apart from tutoring groups and home work support we offer special activities like cooking together, doing handicrafts, excursions and theatre lessons. The children are taught by our teacher Natalya Stoyanova who has a long experience in different schools and is very competent in meeting the different needs of the children. In special activities like the theatre projects Natalya is supprted by qualified volunteers.

You can support this valuable work regularly by project sponsoring with an amount of your own choice.

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Gott, der Vater, wird auf die rechte Art geehrt, wenn jemand den Waisen und Witwen in ihrer Not beisteht...

James 1 : 27 | The Bible