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Deepika Girls' Home

Bethapudi, India | 3096

The village Bethapudi lies close to the small town Chirala at the National Highway No. 5, the major traffic pathway along the Bay of Bengal. The population in this area is very poor. To earn their “daily bread” many people only have the possibility to work as casual hands in agriculture. Many of them do not even find such a job. The part of the population living below the poverty line is even higher than the national average.

Deepika Girls’ Home exists since the summer of 2007 (“Deepika” means “light/ light of God” in a Biblical sense). A Christian group founded a society to help the children of this area. With their own financial means they provided a compound and a building. But it was clear from the beginning that they would not have sufficient means for the daily maintenance of the children. So they asked Christusträger-Waisendienst to bear the costs for food, clothing and education. The families of the girls are very thankful for the help for their children. Without this support sufficient food or school education could not be thought of for these children.

Elementary schools as well as secondary schools are close to the home and can be reached easily by the home children. This is necessary to give a very good education to the children as a solid foundation for their future life.

By a personal sponsorship for a girl in this project you can directly help a child particularly in need.

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Gott, der Vater, wird auf die rechte Art geehrt, wenn jemand den Waisen und Witwen in ihrer Not beisteht...

James 1 : 27 | The Bible