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Stefan Children's Home

Gudivada, India | 3094

Gudivada is s small town only a few kilometers from the Bay of Bengal. The greatest part of the population is very poor. To earn their “daily rice” most people don’t have an alternative to working as daily hands in agriculture. Many of them don’t even find such a job. The part of the population living below the poverty line is above the national average. Poverty and need are especially bad for the development of the children. Many of them are mal-nourished and a school education, which is actually compulsory in India too, cannot be thought of. Families just cannot afford school costs and depend on the working power of their children.

The warden of this children’s home who was responsible for a day care centre of Christusträger-Waisendienst before, was supported by a sponsorship from Germany herself when she was a child. Now she wants to give the help she experienced herself on to young children by her active and dedicated work.

In 2005 a generous donation allowed us to transform this project from a day care centre into a children’s home. Today 50 girls live here around the clock. The children get regular and well-balanced food, clothing, education and a loving care. An elementary school and secondary schools are also close-by. So the girls have all kinds of possibilities for a vocational training later-on.

With a sponsorship by Christusträger-Waisendienst you can support this important project in Gudivada.

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Gott, der Vater, wird auf die rechte Art geehrt, wenn jemand den Waisen und Witwen in ihrer Not beisteht...

James 1 : 27 | The Bible